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These Two Supplements can Help Keep Your Dogs Pineal Gland Healthier for Longer!

Writer's picture: Lyndall PinchenLyndall Pinchen

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Just like humans, dogs have a pineal gland, a tiny gland that not many people may be aware of, but that carries so many important functions. Also known as the conarium the pineal gland is found in almost all animals. While not talked about a lot, our dogs rely on this on this gland in so many ways. The problem is that as your dog ages, this gland can calcify, causing it to stop functioning properly. In todays’ short video lets find out more about this interesting gland and 2 important but simple supplements (one of which you most likely have in your cupboard right now) that can keep this gland healthy well into old age so stay tuned to learn more.

Located at the base of the brain lies this tiny gland. In humans it is around 1cm long whereas in your dog it is as small as 1mm in length. The word pineal means pine cone because the shape of this tiny gland looks like a pine cone. Along with glands like the thyroid, adrenals and pituitary gland it forms part of the hormonal system known as the endocrine gland.

One of the main functions of this tiny gland it to assist in bringing information in regarding the amount of sunlight that is available and therefore will play a role in the waking and sleep cycles or circadian rhythms. It is this gland that will tell a bear when it is time to hibernate. How does it do this? The pineal gland produces a hormone known as melatonin which is produced to help your dog sleep. The highest level of this hormone is produced during the night when your dog is sleeping and it will be higher if that is in a very dark quiet space.

Often referred to as the sleep hormone, while it is not essential for sleep, your dog sleeps better when they are producing the proper amount. Melatonin also supports a healthy immune system and protects nerve cells within the brain from free radical damage. Lower levels of melatonin can therefore lead to an increase in diseases such as canine dementia. Some studies have also shown it has anti cancer benefits and it also plays a role in sex hormone production.

And there is also another function that is so important and affects many dogs today and that is the relationship between melatonin and cortisol the stress hormone. With so many dogs being diagnosed with some type of anxiety issue having good levels of melatonin available can help. So how does it help? As we mentioned earlier this hormone helps regulate your dogs sleep and wake cycles or circadian rhythms. As the morning daylight comes, melatonin levels will be reduced in the brain. And at the same time cortisol that stress hormone should be at its highest as these two hormones work opposite each other. When melatonin is low, cortisol should be high and vice versa. In cases where a dog is under some type of chronic stress or anxiety, this constant release of cortisol from the adrenal glands can cause an imbalance between both hormones , lowering melatonin levels and disrupting the sleep wake cycle. While treating this involves working on the adrenal gland and overall endocrine system, keeping the pineal gland healthy and functioning will assist as it will ensure a good supply of melatonin is being produced.

But one of the big problems with this gland is that as your dog ages, it tends to calcify which means it may not function as well and the calcification can make your dog much more prone to thigs like canine dementia, anxiety, sleep and immune issues, behaviour and the health of your dogs coat. These calcium deposits are often referred to as brain sand and can be caused by things like fluoride and chlorine from tap water, sugars and processed foods, excess calcium supplements, as well as preservatives, pesticides, and medications can all speed up calcification of this gland.

So firstly it is important to be aware of these factors and try avoid them where possible. But did you know there are 2 great supplements that can really help support the pineal gland in terms of this calcification or brain sand.

The first one is something you might have in your kitchen cupboard right now and this is raw organic apple cider vinegar. Why ?? well apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which is useful in the decalcification process of the pineal gland, by helping to dissolve harmful calcium phosphate crystals known as brain sand that affect pineal gland tissue. ACV also contains gallic acid, which has been shown to have a neuroprotective effect. Try adding in from ¼ to 1 tspn into your dogs food a few times per week for general protection or daily if required.

And the second one is something known as chlorella. Chlorella is a single-celled green algae that helps attack heavy metals, increases blood oxygen, and repairs damaged tissues. In your dogs body. In terms of the pineal gland, due to its strong detoxification properties, this super food can help breakdown and remove the calcium deposits from this tiny gland and detoxifying it along with also helping to remove fluoride, chlorine and other toxins. With any super green powder or supplement start low and slow. I like to use a broken cell chlorella that will be more easily absorbed by your dogs gut and start with an 1/8-1/2 tspn once daily for 4-8 weeks and then periodically a few times per week for more maintenance. And just a few other suggestions include alfalfa sprouts, parsley, spirulina, coconut oil, chlorophyll rich foods in general, oregano oil, turmeric, and ginseng.

So by avoiding those chemicals we mentioned above, and feeding a natural diet but also adding in a little apple cider vinegar and chlorella into your dogs diet regularly you can really help protect this important little gland, therefore protecting your dogs melatonin levels and overall health much longer.



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