Over the last few years Turmeric has become a buzz word- its active compound known as Curcumin has been well researched now to show its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. But today I want to share with you 3 things you may not know about Turmeric and its active Curcumin so stay tuned to learn more in todays short video.
Used for thousands of years, Turmeric has a long history of not only a flavoursome additive to curries and other spicy dishes, but also its many medicinal properties. Turmeric contains an active compound known as Curcumin and it is this compound that has been widely researched. You might remember in last weeks video I talked about inflammation pathways and using what are known as Spms to help switch down chronic inflammation. Curcumin can also do this to a degree and has the ability to regulate inflammation pathways and stop acute inflammation from moving into a more chronic pattern.
But before we go any further, I want to make a note that many of us think only of the active compound Curcumin as being beneficial for that inflammation pathway. But research has shown that even when the curcumin is removed from Turmeric, Turmeric still has similar anti-inflammatory properties and this is because it is the combination of curcumin and other naturally occurring compounds like antioxidant polyphenols that combine to make this a great antinflammatory. In fact there are around 30 curcumin like compounds present in Turmeric which all play their part. So I just wanted you to firstly understand that. And when I refer to Turmeric today that will also encompass curcumin.
So, what about some benefits you might not know about Turmeric?? There are 3 ways this herb can really benefit your dogs GUT health which can further assist in reducing overall inflammation in the body. Let’s explore these:
Firstly, Turmeric has a positive effect on your dogs microbiome (think of the microbiome as a community containing thousands of varieties or beneficial bacteria.). Turmeric can help create a more diverse and balanced gut microbiome – this means a wider variety of beneficial bacteria and yeasts. The greater the diversity in the microbiome the better gut health and the flow on effect here is an improvement in gut, immune and overall health. And diversity can help protect against things like leaky gut. Turmeric not only increases the levels of certain good bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria strains but can also reduce the more nasty ones such as clostridium. Just by its antiinflammatory nature, Turmeric helps protect the microbiome from the damaging effects of inflammation and how this can reduce good levels of bacteria.
Secondly, turmeric impacts leaky gut. Chronic inflammation in your dogs gut can contribute to an increase in intestinal permeability and exacerbate symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. By reducing inflammation, Turmeric may help reduce the damage to the intestinal lining and support its repair. In addition, research has shown us that the curcumin found within Turmeric can help strengthen the intestinal lining or barrier by tightening the junctions found along this intestinal lining and strengthening its overall structure. This helps to stop harmful substances like bacteria from leaking through this barrier into the bloodstream.
And finally, some of you might remember a video I did a little while ago about what is known as the gut brain axis and how this impacts your dogs anxiety, mood and overall health. You can check this out on my channel but in this video I talked about what is known as the Vagus nerve (the largest cranial nerve in the body) and how the health of this nerve is crucial in keeping a normal flow of messages from the gut to the brain and back again. Where there is a pattern of chronic inflammation this can affect the healthy functioning of this nerve which in turns this effects the flow of these messages coming from the gut to the brain.
Did you know that if this nerve is not functioning properly that it can affect a wide range of organs and some of the typical symptoms can include increased anxiety and depression, irritability, poor heart function, poor gut function, breathing difficulties and the inability to cope with stress. By giving Turmeric, we can improve gut health and this indirectly improves the function of this major and important vagal nerve.
Of course Turmeric comes in many forms – either fresh or powdered and there are many curcumin supplements on the market so there is no shortage of options. I personally like touse it in either a tincture or high strength supplement formula when treating inflammation and other chronic issues as it works much more quickly and effectively this way. And if you are wanting t know how best to use turmeric for your dog feel free to reach out to me all my contact details are below.